Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Introductory Posting

Hi everyone!

Some of you know me from haunt. Others of you don't. I'm Blow Pop (or April Marie but really just call me Blow Pop). I love reading and I'll be doing book reviews. My reviews can be found by clicking the link at the top of the page (Blow Pop's Book Reviews). Within the next week I'll be working on a masterpost of all of my book reviews complete with links to them all.

I read (or devour depending on how you look at it) A LOT of books. And get 2-3 books and reviews done a week minimum. I do have my own FAQ and reviewing policy as well as contact info for anyone curious (or whoever wants to recommend me a book).

I hope everyone enjoys my reviews. Any questions, comments, suggestions are welcome.

-Blow Pop

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dusting off the cobwebs...

Holy shit, it's been more than a year since we've last used this thing. I think I almost forgot we even had one! :-P Joking of course, heh, anyway I hope all of y'all are doing fine (the ones that still actually read these posts) and that we could get a quick heads up to pass along to anybody you wish. With the up and coming annual purge of D-Student Productions it's important to know that we really need to individually do our parts as a community to get our company out there. A simple share of a link literally takes 2 seconds.. Seriously, share this blogger post to your closest open social media tab and see if that was too difficult. Here, I'll even make it easier for your if you cant handle the control AND the c button at once (or just roaming around our blogger page).

Official D-Student Productions Website:

Like the official page on Facebook at:

Twisted Queens (our models that'll make you wish you had a 3D printer):

D-Student Merch FB Page:

BTS @ D-Student Page:

Memes that only a D-Student would think of:

Our D-Students from Down UNDAH:

Our enlightened successors:





Damn, that took way more time than I initially estimated LOL you're welcome fuckers.

Burnt Out,